Hey guys,Tungnon here again!
If you read the heading you should know now why you are here. You shouldn't here for battle strategy right? Well nvm. This is a blog which is detailed about crafting dices and equip them after you craft them!
The Dice[]
Dice are the main and the key of this game. If you don't know how they relate to this game plz delete this game. JK I know you know about them already. Oh, if you wonder ghow mayn type of dice in this game just check this out! Dice are made of dice shards right? Well I gonna explain about them.
Dice shards[]
Dice shards are the ingredients of the dice. You can get them by quest root ,monster drop or by smashing uncut dice. For more info about uncut dice click here . Anyway here we go!
Common Shard[]
As the name tell, you should know that they are most common shards around. They are most easiest shards to find in this game. (You don't say?) You can use them to create ALL dice except elemental normal attack (They use 2 of each elemental shards.) But because of they are so common you don't need to worry about the quantity. Just use them but don't too much. (I gonna explain about capture dice in capturing guide)
Rare Shard[]
Rare shards are the second rarest in this game. If you don't get them by smashing uncut dice you gonna found out that they are so RARE! You need patient if you wanna search for it! Not only rare, they also the second most need to make dices. Every dice need rare shard(s) to make them. (Except normal attack, attack > X and normal health dice) So plz spend them wisely!
Elemental Shard[]
While they are considered to be "rare". But they aren't need as much as rare shards. They are only needed for make elemental dice and when they do they only require several of them. But you shouldn't waste them too because of their rarity!
Health Shard[]
These are 2nd common shards in this game. "Why?" because health shards are only needed for health dice right? And when they create health dice they only need several of them (same to elemental shards). So if you didn't play much about health dice you gonna found out that this dice is kinda useless.
Ultra Shard[]
This one is the most rarest shard in this game. If you think rare shards are hard to find this shard is a lot harder. You might even need to smash uncut dice in order to get them. "So why uts so much rare" This shard isn't same as other shards. It can be the "wild card" to make dice. It means they can substitute as other dices. But DON'T ever substitute them because ultra shards are needed for powerful dice. So plz don't ever use them by substitute.
Dice crafting tips[]
As you progress the game you gonna found out that shards aren't the toy that you can wasted with. You should follow these if you want to save them.
- DON'T ever create poison dice if you don't play the poison. Poison dice need several rare shards to make them and if you continute reading this guide I gonna tell you that you shoudn't equip them.
- DON'T create ANY attack dice which is lower than core dice. For example, if you got triple core dice. don't create attacka and double attack dice they are useless.
- IF you got NORMAL ATTACK (not double or above) core and you got "attack > x" dice plan. Build it. They are very useful for normal attack core like heroes.
- Only build only 1 attack dice. Because you only need 1 of them. As you continute reading this guide u will under stand why.
- If the dice plan contains the attack dice that same with core build it only 1. Its useful for making doubles.
- If that monster doesn't have same dice with core (Ex. Death kiss). Just build only highest one.
- Only build 3 best attack multiplier dice otherwise you gonna waste rare shard. IGNORE THIS ONE IF YOU ARE RICH. (Building lots of multiplier can make your monster stronger.)
Dice Equipping[]
Ok you finished crafting dice. Well its time to equip them. They are many ways to equip dice. So I will serparate ways to equip with core dice.
Attack Core[]
Second Dice slot[]
- If you got 3 attack multiplier 1-4 or better just equip one of them at this slot.
- If you don't have just equip "attack > x" dice.
- If you don't have as 1 and 2 go equip attack multiply 1-3
- If you still don't have it equip same dice with core. (attack dice)
Third and fourth slot[]
- Equip ONLY multipliers at hese slots.
- Equip health dice if you have only 1 multiplier.
- Don't equip ANY risky dice at these slot otherwise you gonna do get a hard job with rolling 1.
Double attack core and above[]
Second Dice slot[]
- If you got 3 attack multiplier 1-3 or better just equip one of them at this slot.
- If you don't have enough equip dice that same with core.
- Equip attack multiplier 1-2 if you don't have dice that same with core.
- Equip BEST attack dice OR health dice.
Third and fourth slot[]
- Equip ONLY multipliers at hese slots.
- Equip health dice if you have only 1 multiplier.
- Don't equip ANY risky dice at these slot otherwise you gonna do get a hard job with rolling 1.
Poison core[]
Second Dice slot[]
- Equip dice that same with core.
- If you don't have it equip "attack > X" , "poison > X" OR better poison attack.
- If you don't have them all just equip the health dice.
Third and fourth slot[]
- ONLY equip "poison > X" dice.
- Otherwise equip health dice and health multiplier. Attack > X can also do the job.
- Don't equip ANY risky dice at these slot otherwise you gonna do get a hard job with rolling 1.
- You may equip multiplier 1-3 and better if you got "attack >X" in any slot.
These are MY thought about crafting and equipping dice. You DON'T need to follow them all but they are just suggestion! Anyway you need to save shards and use them wisely otherwise you can't build dice that you desire! Have fun!