TinyDiceDungeon Wiki


Element Neutral
HP 120
Capture Dice 50 (200 pts)
Rare Capture Dice 100 (400 pts)
Core Dice Triple Attack

This page contains the statistics for the monster Skulltulon.


Dice Unlocks (2/8/15)
Dice Unlock Lvl Cost Shards
Attack 0 100 2 Common
Attack Multiplier 1-2 5 200 3 Common, 1 Rare
Health > 1 10 300 2 Common, 1 Rare, 3 Health
Triple Attack 20 400 4 Common, 2 Rare
Double Poison 30 500 3 Common, 2 Rare
Attack Multiplier 1-4 35 600 9 Common, 2 Rare, 1 Ultra
Quadruple Attack 45 700 6 Common, 3 Rare, 1 Ultra
Health Multiplier 1-3 50 800 3 Common, 1 Rare, 3 Health
Unknown 55 900 Unknown
Unknown 60 1000 Unknown
Unknown 70 1100 Unknown
Unknown 80 1200 Unknown
Unknown 85 1300 Unknown
Unknown 90 1400 Unknown
Unknown 99 1500 Unknown


  • The TDD game credits attribute Skulltulon to Andy Jesse. Description: 'A skull on a spring with snake tongues in mouth and eyesockets'.