TinyDiceDungeon Wiki


Element Neutral
HP 270
Capture Dice 94 (376 pts)
Rare Capture Dice 188 (752 pts)
Core Dice Triple Attack

This page contains the statistics for the monster Myazaki.


Note: This monster only appears once the hero has reached Level 44.

Dice Unlocks (4/13/24) Dice Set: E
Dice Unlock Lvl Cost Shards
Attack Multiplier 1-2 0 100 3 Common, 1 Rare
Triple Attack 2 200 4 Common, 2 Rare
Triple Poison 5 300 4 Common, 2 Rare
Attack Multiplier 1-3 10 400 6 Common, 1 Rare
Health > 1 13 500 2 Common, 1 Rare, 3 Heath
Quintuple Attack 18 600 8 Common, 4 Rare, 1 Ultra
Attack Multiplier 1-4 23 700 9 Common, 2 Rare, 1 Ultra
Health Multiplier > 2 30 800 5 Rare, 8 Health
Attack Multiplier > 1 40 900 10 Common, 5 Rare, 1 Ultra
Quintuple Attack 50 1000 8 Common, 4 Rare, 1 Ultra
Attack Multiplier 1-6 60 1100 15 Common, 3 Rare, 1 Ultra
Sextuple Attack 70 1200 10 Common, 5 Rare, 1 Ultra
Sextuple Poison 80 1300 16 Common, 3 Rare, 1 Ultra
Sextuple Attack 90 1400 10 Common, 5 Rare, 1 Ultra
Attack Multiplier > 3 99 1500 10 Common, 5 Rare, 3 Ultra