TinyDiceDungeon Wiki

Micro Gigantor

Micro Gigantor
Element Neutral
HP 300
Capture Dice 80 (320 pts)
Rare Capture Dice 160 (640 pts)
Core Dice Triple Attack

This page contains the statistics for the monster Micro Gigantor.


Dice Unlocks (2/8/15) Dice Set: D
Dice Unlock Lvl Cost Shards
Attack 0 100 2 Common
Double Attack 5 200 2 Common, 1 Rare
Triple Attack 10 300 4 Common, 2 Rare
Double Poison 20 400 3 Common, 2 Rare
Attack Multiplier 1-3 30 500 6 Common, 1 Rare
Triple Attack 35 600 4 Common, 2 Rare
Quintuple Attack 45 700 8 Common, 4 Rare, 1 Ultra
Quadruple Poison 50 800 8 Common, 3 Rare
Attack Multiplier 1-5 55 900 12 Common, 2 Rare, 1 Ultra
Attack Multiplier > 2 60 1000 10 Common, 5 Rare, 2 Ultra
Health > 3 70 1100 5 Common, 1 Rare, 3 Health
Health Multiplier 1-3 80 1200 3 Common, 1 Rare, 3 Health
Sextuple Attack 85 1300 10 Common, 5 Rare, 1 Ultra
Quintuple Poison 90 1400 12 Common, 3 Rare, 1 Ultra
Attack Multiplier > 3 99 1500 10 Common, 5 Rare, 3 Ultra


TDD's developers have gone on record to say that Micro-Gigantor was called "Micro" because there was supposed to be a non micro version, but they never got around to drawing it.
