TinyDiceDungeon Wiki

Finless Shark

Finless shark
Element Water
HP 180
Capture Dice 80 (320 pts)
Rare Capture Dice 160 (640 pts)
Core Dice Triple Water Attack

This page contains the statistics for the monster Finless Shark.


Note: This monster only appears once the hero has reached Level 24.

Dice Unlocks (7/22/37) Dice Set: D
Dice Unlock Lvl Cost Shards
Water Attack 0 100 2 Water
Double Water Attack 2 200 1 Common, 1 Rare, 1 Water
Triple Water Attack 5 300 2 Common, 2 Rare, 2 Water
Double Poison 10 400 3 Common, 2 Rare
Water Attack Multiplier 1-3 13 500 4 Common, 1 Rare, 2 Water
Triple Water Attack 18 600 2 Common, 2 Rare, 2 Water
Quintuple Water Attack 23 700 6 Common, 4 Rare, 3 Water, 1 Ultra
Quadruple Poison 30 800 8 Common, 3 Rare
Water Attack Multiplier 1-5 40 900 8 Common, 2 Rare, 4 Water, 1 Ultra
Water Attack Multiplier > 2 50 1000 7 Common, 5 Rare, 3 Water, 2 Ultra
Health > 3 60 1100 5 Common, 1 Rare, 3 Health
Health Multiplier 1-3 70 1200 3 Common, 1 Rare, 3 Health
Sextuple Water Attack 80 1300 8 Common, 5 Rare, 3 Water, 1 Ultra
Quintuple Poison 90 1400 12 Common, 3 Rare, 1 Ultra
Water Attack Multiplier > 3 99 1500 7 Common, 5 Rare, 3 Water, 3 Ultra

TRIVIA: Finless shark is a comment about shark-finning, a popular practice where sharks have their fins cut off and are left to suffocate on the ocean bottom. Finning is mostly illegal, however the people that continue to pay high prices for sharkfin soup in Asia (places like Singapore) continue to keep the trade profitable for those willing to stretch the law. The idea was that the sharks have evolved, and can leave the ocean to seek revenge on their attackers, throwing their fins as projectiles.
